An Easy Cake For A Lazy Summer

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Strawberry Angel Cake whole 3

Easy summer desserts using fresh fruits are always a plus when entertaining or for family gatherings.  This one uses a purchased angel food cake.  Simply slice a small section across the top, scoop out the insides, make a cream cheese-strawberry filling to fill in the space, place the top back on and refrigerate.  When you are ready to serve, just whip up some cream,  frost it and it’s done.

Strawberry Angel Cake bottom of cake holder

I love to serve it on a pretty cake stand, like this beautiful Iittala from our Finnish relatives.  It’s so delicate-looking but is a nice sturdy and heavy stand.  It looks gorgeous on a dessert table.

Strawberry Angel Cake slice

When the cake is sliced, the creamy filling is revealed.

Strawberry Angel Cake extreme strawberry close up

Garnish with perfect beautiful strawberries!


Strawberry Angel Food Cake

1 large Angel Food Cake – purchased or homemade
8 ounce package cream cheese, room temperature
14 ounce can sweetened condensed milk (not evaporated milk)
1/3 cup freshly squeezed lemon juice
1 teaspoon almond extract
2 cups sliced fresh strawberries
Freshly whipped cream
Additional strawberries for garnish

If making a homemade cake, bake and cool completely before using.  Using a serrated knife, cut a 1-inch slice from the top of the cake and set layer aside.  Cut 1-inch from the center hole and outer edge.  Pulling with your fingers, carefully remove the center of cake and leaving a 1-inch bottom.  Tear cake slices into bite-sized pieces and set aside.

In a mixing bowl, beat the cream cheese until fluffy.  Add sweetened condensed milk, lemon juice, and almond extract; mix until well blended.  Using a rubber spatula, fold in the cake pieces and strawberries.  Spoon into the center of cake.  Top with the reserved cake top.  Cover with plastic wrap and chill 8 hours or overnight.

When ready to serve, whip as much cream as desired (I sweetened mine with a little powdered sugar) or some people may prefer to use Cool Whip because it’s easier, but I highly recommend real whipped cream.  Frost cake and garnish with fresh strawberries.  Cake can be served immediately or chilled for a little while longer.

One Response to An Easy Cake For A Lazy Summer

  1. July 23, 2014 at 2:02 pm #

    a family favorite here, too

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