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Gingerbread Cookies 1 2

4th Generation Gingerbread Cookie Recipe

My favorite childhood gingerbread cookie recipe from my mom, now will be made by a 4th generation this week by her great-granddaughter.

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The Day the Oven Died

Having an oven break down right after making a large batch of cookie dough is a disaster for someone who loves to bake!

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Bonnie Slotnick and the Recipe Clippings

Meet the amazing and generous Bonnie Slotnick of the iconic New York City cookbook store.

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Summer Fruit Skillet Cobbler

When you have a small amount of leftover summer fruit, make a small cobbler in a small cast iron skillet!

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Debbie Bower

The Great Chefs Cookbook

This is one of many cookbooks sent to me from a reader. Who could resist a cookbook filled with recipes from all these famous chefs!

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crayfish close-up

Mississippi Adventures and Southern Food

Our recent trip to Mississippi to visit family included birthdays, 4th of July party, a Baptism, and more!

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Ice Cream for Dinner

Yes, sometimes my mom would say all she wanted for dinner was ice cream.

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A Young Bride’s Recipe

Here is a recipe from my mom’s box that was one of the first meals she ever made for my dad when she was a young bride.

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