Tag Archives | Virginia Rose

Kara and Vivi first plane ride

Happy Birthday to my Kara 2017!

Today is my baby’s birthday, but this year she now has her own baby! How’s that for the best birthday gift ever?

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Winery 3

California Adventures

It seems like I have been away for a long time, but we had a great time in California for Mother’s Day and other fun activities. Come take a look!

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Baptism 11

Full House, Full Hearts

Hearts were full and love was in abundance when our first grandchild was baptized. It was a joyous and blessed celebration like no other.

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Time for the Green Chicago River

If the Chicago River is green, then it’s time to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day when everyone is Irish!

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Vivi in pink with purse

Virginia Rose

I know. Where have my blogs been lately, many of you have asked. Look at the photo and you will understand. I’m in love and can think of nothing else.

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