With last week’s Chicago blizzard, I’m afraid I got behind in everything, including my weekly cookbook giveaway – but I am going to make up for it this week with a whole box of books giveaway! Since I wrote a blog today about a great cooking teacher from a PBS series, Madeleine Kamman, I thought I would carry on with the theme of television cooking stars. For this week’s giveaway I have books from Martha Stewart, Katie Brown, Paula Deen, and Rachael Ray.
If you would like to enter the random drawing to win all these books, all you have to do is send me your name and email address by midnight Friday, February 11th, CST, to [email protected] . I will email you if your name is drawn. Good luck!! And here are the rest of the books for the drawing:
Oh my heavens, Debbie. And I thought I had a lot of cookbooks. Love the way you have them organized!
Good Luck to the lucky winner!!!
Hi Louise! One can never have too many cookbooks, right!?
I would love to win those cookbooks. rhisomers(at)gmail(dot)com
Thank you, Lisa! I have your info and included it with the others in my emails. Thank you for entering. Come back every week to see the next round of books!
I would love to be the winner of your box of cookbooks, I collect them also and am a member of CBETC (cookbooks etc) where all cookb ook collectors meet. I already have 200 hundred in my collection and yes I use them. To me a reading a cookbook is like reading a novel.
I agree completely, Libby! I will have to check out your cookbook site, too. Keep that collection growing! Good luck in the drawing. I have added your name to the others from my emails. Thank you for entering. Remember to come back every week to check out the newest giveaways!
Oh, my gosh! Some of the cookbooks you give away, I won’t even loan out!! My cook book collection is beingthinned by making super baskets for all the charity things going on on. our church chili cook off, Las Vegas night, ladies auxilarire. etc. But, would love to have these!! Love Katie brown!! Thanks!
Dear Anonymous – I would love to enter you in the drawing, so please send me your name and email address to [email protected] which is where I am getting most of the entries. It’s fine to enter here, too, but I need an email address to click on, and I can’t find you under “anonymous.” I hope you read this before Friday night! Thanks!
Ooh, would love to have these cookbooks added to my collection