Julia Child was born in 1912 and died in 2004, just a few days shy of her 92nd birthday. There isn’t anything I can say new about Julia that hasn’t been said. What would the culinary world have been without her? I have already written many blogs about her cookbooks, and many more will follow. I thought instead I would guide you to my Pinterest board where I have over 200 photos of Julia, from a young girl until her death. I hope you enjoy them!
In the second row, you will find a board called “Just Julia,” but look around at the other food boards, too. I have lots of my cookbooks posted along with other fun boards for the Pillsbury Bake-Off, favorite chefs, culinary adventures, and much more.
Did you know there is a Julia Child Facebook page? I just discovered it and spend over an hour reading all the posts! What’s more fun that Julia?
Happy Birthday, Julia! The world misses you.
It’s a lazy, rainy day on Hilton Head. We’re dining in tonight, and it’s my turn to cook. Strip steaks with a red wine/mushroom/butter sauce and ratatouille made with vegetables from my garden and Julia’s recipe. We’ll raise a toast to the woman who taught us how to cook and watch Julie and Julia.