The most fun and delicious All-American Election Night Dinner from Alinea in Chicago!
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Alinea’s All American Election Night Dinner
November 3, 2020 in Alinea, Award-Winning Chefs, Chef Grant Achatz, Chefs, Chicago Restaurants, Culinary History, Food Events, Restaurants
From Ice Chips to Alinea
May 16, 2020 in Award-Winning Chefs, Chef Grant Achatz, Chefs, Chicago Restaurants, Classic Recipes, Family, Restaurants, The Culinary Cellar
All I could eat was ice chips for weeks in the hospital. What better way to celebrate by finally having real food from one of the greatest chefs in the world!
Why I Started This Blog
I love cookbooks. I mean I really love them. I love to read them, treasure them, learn from them, and, of course, cook from them. To me, cookbooks take on a life all of their own. They are history, family, and memories. I have been collecting cookbooks and writing down treasured recipes of family, friends, and neighbors since about age twelve, which means I now own thousands of cookbooks, recipes, and clippings. Now I want to share them with you along with the many other culinary treasures of my cellar." - Debbie Vanni