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Hot dogs on shirt

Super Bowl Food: “Deflategate” is not just for Footballs…

“Deflategate.” It doesn’t just pertain to the current football controversy. It also applies to Super Bowl food!

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Corn Chowder Super Bowl close up

Let the Super Bowl Food Begin!

As soon as the competing teams are announced for the Super Bowl, my husband starts thinking about what he wants to eat on game day. Here’s the first.

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Downton Abbey image cookbook

Downton Abbey Returns!

Did all you Downton Abbey fans know there is a cookbook and even some wine to celebrate your favorite television show?

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Cedar Cove TV title

A Hallmark Life on Cedar Cove

Oh, yes. I have admitted before to being a Hallmark Channel junkie. And now there is a cookbook. What more could a cookbook collector ask for, right?

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Oscar meringues on invite 1

Lights! Camera! Oscar!

Roll out the Red Carpet! It’s time for insanely expensive clothes and jewelry, but don’t forget the food. Here is a “light as air” meringue cookie made in the spirit of one of the nominated Best Pictures – Gravity!

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Hallmark Let it Snow photo 1

‘Tis the Season…to be a Hallmark Movie Addict

Hello. My name is Debbie. I am addicted to those cheesy, predictable Hallmark television movies. Help…

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Kristina in CCC apron

Home and Family on the Hallmark Channel has a Special Guest!

Check out the Home and Family show on the Hallmark Channel on Monday morning, May 13th!  My daughter Kristina will be a guest on the show talking about her website, Cooking Contest Central.  You can find out how to enter the incredible world of cooking contests  and tips on how to win.  You will even be able […]

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