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Winery 3

California Adventures

It seems like I have been away for a long time, but we had a great time in California for Mother’s Day and other fun activities. Come take a look!

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Mother’s Day

Happy Mother’s Day to my wonderful Mom!

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Point Reyes recipe box

Recipes Are Meant To Be Shared

Do you share recipes or do you carefully guard them from the world? I’ll try to convince everyone that recipes are meant to be shared.

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Ancient Rome Next 22

Birthday Weekend

My birthday was this past Friday and we had the most amazing dining experience. But you will have to wait until tomorrow to read about it…

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Blueberry Tiramisu 6

Blueberry Tiramisu with Greek Yogurt

Here is a healthier version of luscious Italian tiramisu, using wild blueberries and Greek yogurt enhanced with fresh lemon.

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Chicken Milano 2

Take a Can of Tomato Soup…

Sometimes I get tired or lazy and grab a can of tomato soup and invent something for dinner.

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Baptism 11

Full House, Full Hearts

Hearts were full and love was in abundance when our first grandchild was baptized. It was a joyous and blessed celebration like no other.

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Farmhouse Finnish flag 1

Sphere Magazine, March 1975

This entire issue of Sphere Magazine, March 1975 is dedicated to Finland! Featured are the foods, people, customs, and home life of the Finnish people.

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