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The Pillsbury Doughboy Miracle

One of the heart-breaking losses of the Culinary Cellar flood was losing the Pillsbury Bake-Off contest books. Or so I thought….

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Volo book pile 1

Vincent Price, a Ghost Doll, and a Pile of Cookbooks

I found a ghost doll, a Vincent Price cookbook (is there a connection?), a German deli, and piles of cookbooks. And how was your weekend?

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PBO 46 doughboy doll on stand

Pillsbury Bake-Off #46

The iconic cooking competition has a one million dollar grand prize – what better place to win than Las Vegas! Welcome to the 46th Pillsbury Bake-Off contest!

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Bake Off 46 Las Vegas Doughboy and oven mitt

Off to the 46th Pillsbury Bake-Off Contest!

The Pillsbury Bake-Off in Las Vegas! What could be more fun?

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Paris Arc de Triomphe

Pillsbury Goes To Paris

Sharing recipes with the world…

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PBO 46 logo sign 2

Pillsbury Bake-Off #45: Pumpkin Ravioli with Salted Caramel Whipped Cream

It’s the 45th Pillsbury Bake-Off with a million dollar winner and Martha Stewart as host. What could be more fun – except add Orlando to the mix and you have the makings of a magical contest!

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Wednesday Winner: (Grand National) Bake-Off # 15: Hungry Boys’ Casserole

The International Ballroom of the Beverly Hilton Hotel in California was the exciting venue for the 15th Pillsbury Bake-Off contest.  One hundred excited contestants walked into the ballroom “Grand March” style and found their assigned areas to prepare their chosen dishes for the judges.  Television lights go up and the media descends upon the finalists, pen […]

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Pillsbury Bake-Off 1950

The Grand Prize winning recipe from Pillsbury Bake Off 2 in 1950 was “Orange Kiss-Me Cake.”

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